

  • Students must arrive at school on time; punctuality is crucial.
  • Students who arrive at school on their own must arrive ten minutes prior to the start of classes.
  • After two warnings, tardy students will be sent home and recorded absent.
  • Pupils are required to be at school at least five minutes prior to the morning assembly hour.
  • During school hours, no one is allowed to leave the school grounds without the principal's consent, which is only granted in an emergency.
  • Attendance is required on the day of the academic session's reopening or closing as well as at any school-sponsored events.
  • A photocopy of the municipal corporation's proof of birth.
  • The school administration holds students accountable for their behavior both within and outside of the classroom.
  • Without the principal's approval, students are not permitted to hand out flyers, invitation cards, or any other type of advertising materials.
  • After the bus takes them off at their designated places, students are asked to return home as soon as possible.
  • It is definitely prohibited for them to switch buses or to arrive late or depart early on another bus. If a student wants to stay back at school for any reason, they must get permission from the principal first and let their parents know beforehand.
  • In the scientific, math, and computer labs, proper discipline is required. Without the responsible teacher's consent, students are not permitted to remove any chemicals or equipment from the lab.