School Uniform

The uniform is used to conceal social and socioeconomic divides among all participants. All students are required to wear the school uniform. Students are required to wear well-groomed uniforms to school. Even on declared holidays, no student will be permitted entry into the building without the appropriate attire. Every student is required to wear the following attire for all school-related activities, including field trips and educational excursions.

Boys Girls
White Shorts/Trousers White Skirt (Pinafore with bib for I-III / divided Skirt with box pleats for IV-XII) White Shirt with Short Sleeves.School Belt.
White Shirt School Socks and white P.T. Shoes ( Plain)
School Belt School Tie
School Socks and white P.T. Shoes (plain)  
School Tie  


Boys Girls
Maroon Blazer with School Monogram (compulsory in Dec., Jan & Feb.) White Shirt Maroon Blazer with School Monogram (compulsory in Dec., Jan & Feb) White Shirt.
Grey Pants Grey Skirt (Pinafore with bib for I-III / divided Skirt with box pleats or pants for IV-XII) School Belt, School tie.
Maroon Pullover with V-neck Grey Socks
School Belt Stocking
School tie Black Leather Shoes
Grey Socks Maroon pullover V Neck
Black Leather Shoes. Blue band for short hair
blue ribbons (1/2” wide) for neatly tied plaits (two)  
School Tie  
Uniform rules:
  • If a student is representing the school outside, she/he must always wear the school uniform.
  • Parents must ensure that their wards always wear white under clothes. White slips for girls and white vests for boys. It is mandatory for girls to wear white cycling tights/shorts under their skirts/divided skrits.
  • No jewellery/trinkets and nail paint are allowed to be used in school. Students are not permitted to wear wrist watches till Class V.
  • Girls should tie their hair properly and girls with long hair should make one/two plaits and use only black rubber band, clips and hair bands. No other colour or fancy clips will be allowed.
  • Blazers and sweaters must be labeled (on the inner side for identification) with child's name, class and section.
  • All students should wear house T-shirts for their physical education periods and on the days asked for.
  • House T-shirts should not be worn with winter uniform.