School Rules

School Rules

  • Every student should carry his/her almanac and identity card to school each day.Late concerns shall not be permitted.
  • Students who come on their own should arrive before the bell is rung (five minutes before the homeroom period). Parking must be done to avoid congestion at the gate.
  • Children should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn everyday and for all school functions / educational trips. Students who are not slovenly dressed or not in uniform shall be sent home. They should take pride in wearing the school uniform.
  • Non-Sikh boys should get their hair trimmed at regular intervals.
  • The morning assembly is compulsory for all students and teachers. Children should reach the assembly area promptly, silently and in a line after the bell rings.
  • The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable to bring valuables articles to school.
  • Students who come to school with their escort should never leave before the escort arrives. In case of the delay, they should report to the school office.
  • Those who home alone should loiter about on the way but be prompt in returning home. Students are advised not to buy anything, especially eatables from street vendors.
  • They should not accept undue favor from any stranger either in the form of a gift or a ride on their vehicle. They should never hesitate to say ”NO” when asked or tempted to do anything that they know to be wrong.
  • KVM students should be polite and courteous with everyone and everywhere. They should be friendly with others in and out of the school. They should be no vulgarity and obscenity in their talk and behaviour. They should know that cruelty is the trait of a bully while kindness is the mark of a gentleperson. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. It is expected that the students behave in a manner, which brings a good name to the school, and not indulge in any anti-social activity. Bulling and use of foul language are punishable offences.
  • They must take care of the school property and no student should scratch or spoil the school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher. Students are not permitted to bring any sharp objects to school.

Code of Conduct

  • By belonging to this school I shall be loyal to it. It shall be my constant endeavor to uphold the honour and the traditions of my school.
  • I shall conduct myself with due respect to the school authorities and staff, greet them and obey their legitimate orders.
  • As cleanliness is next to Godliness, I shall be clean and take good care of my books and other belongings. I shall keep my school and its surroundings as clean as possible.
  • I shall be punctual to school.
  • I shall always be truthful and never give or take dishonest help.
  • I shall always be ready to lend a helping hand at home to my parents, brothers, and sisters and in school to my teachers and companions.
  • I shall never use bad language but always speak politely. Using ‘Sorry’, ‘Thank you’, ‘Please’, ‘Pardon Me’, ‘May I’, ‘Can I’ etc. as often as I can.
  • shall practice tolerance and brotherliness.
  • I shall not leave the class without the teacher’s permission and the school without the Principal’s permission.
  • I know that writing or scribbling on the walls and furniture is a serious offence. So I shall refrain from it.
  • I shall work hard and study my lessons regularly without putting off the day’s work for the next day.
  • I shall not eat or chew anything during the class.
  • I shall not take part in any political activity, or join disruptive groups, knowing fully well that my primary duty is to acquire knowledge and equip myself for my future life.